1. The vision-Michael after leaving Earth appeared at my place, and we became friends.  He asked me to write down what I had experienced with him and the messages he had received from God.

My relationship with the spirit world began again.

2. With God- I describe how I relate to God and how he brought me together with Michael and what messages I need to convey to people.

3. The first letter comes from Michael- I describe that we are helped on spiritual levels and are often visited for teaching purposes as well.

4. With Michael and Spiritual guide-We need to ask God for help if we have a problem and send spiritual leaders to help us.  Why spiritual development, prayer, and meditation are important in our lives.  What are important things that people do not do, guidance on how to develop spiritually more effectively.

5. God talked to me — God personally speaks to me and wants to talk to everyone.  How can you do this if we don’t keep quiet?

6. The mission-Everyone has a mission or mission here on Earth.  Many people do not know what to do with their lives. How do we change this?

7. God’s work in our life — I write about how God helps our lives.  Exactly how can we listen to it.

8. The mission-What role do extraterrestrials play in our spiritual development?  Why do we have misunderstandings about ancient spiritual teachings?

9. God’s will for us- What it means to change our world and why we don’t do it right.  Why not accept intellectual development as an opportunity.

10. Our planet is on the Path of Spiritual Development- Why do people want to live in illusion, and why do they not want to wake up even though it is their job?

Simple spiritual truths are taught differently or are taught nowhere.  People should be taught spiritual things from an early age so that they can develop properly.  Due to the lack of spiritual development, there is upheaval and confusion in both our systems and our minds.  Why is it important to eat healthy food and develop spiritually?  How could we live a full life if we didn’t do these?  Why does God speak to me as if spirituality and religion are at the same time?

11. Everyone and we are ones.In this chapter, I will describe why equality of people would be important, including in the appreciation of their work and the unification of countries as a whole.

Why it is important to accept the various beings of the Cosmos as friends and teachers.  Here again, I write about the illusory way of thinking that people like to be and how important change would be in this area as well.

It is important that we find our mission so that we can reach higher spiritual levels.

I write about what the consequences will be if people want to continue to develop technically and do not deal with spiritual teachings.

12. What is important in the future awareness-There are organizations that do not want spiritual awakening, they want to keep people in illusion.  These organizations are under the control of the lower spiritual levels.  Why is it important for humanity to awaken and take our own lives into our hands.  Everyone has the opportunity to obtain the information they need for spiritual knowledge.

13. The truth-What is the truth about what we learn and what we should do.  Why human cohesion is important and what forces we can move together

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